COVID-19 Signage Archive

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List of tags:
1 airport 1 albanian 4 amharic 3 arabic 1 cantonese 18 chinese 48 closures 703 distancing 20 emoji 1650 english 4 filipino 8 finnish 201 floor marker 12 french 91 german 119 governmental 1 haitian creole 212 hand-written 3 hawaiian 2 hawaiian pidgin 5 hebrew 2 hmong 1 hungarian 1 irish 8 italian 57 japanese 9 kazakh 9 korean 4 kyrgyz 171 limits 883 masks 4 mural 13 no text 3 portuguese 40 reopening 1 romanian 30 russian 303 sanitizing 3 somali 78 spanish 3 swedish 92 symptoms 38 testing 2 turkish 20 typos 117 vaccines 5 ventilation 10 vietnamese

Note that many signs have yet to be tagged (i.e. the above distributions are not representative of the entire database).

Tag definitions:
closures temporary or permanent facility/business closures (e.g. not just "dining room closed" or "table closed") distancing mentions of social or physical distance/distancing, requests to "stay apart," etc. emoji signs that use emoji characters (not emoticons or generic smiley face graphics) floor marker markers or stickers on the ground (or those intended for the ground) governmental designed or mass-produced by a public health department or government agency hand-written signs that have a hand-written/hand-designed component, whether fully or partially limits specific time or numerical occupancy limits masks mentions or imagery of masks and/or other face coverings sanitizing references to hand washing, sanitizing, or the sanitization/cleaning of surfaces symptoms mentions of specific symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. not "stay home if sick") or vaccine side effects typos typographical errors (not for grammar/spelling mistakes – but both should include "[sic]" in their transcription)
All others should be self-descriptive!